What does being prepared look like?

It’s having the right stuff on your phone.

Meaning, audio tracks that when you listen to them, your anxiety and physical tension subside, and you are calm and focused afterwards. Maybe listening to Frank Ocean or Brahms did that for you once upon a time, but you’re under a bit of extra pressure, so I suggest you’re ready for an upgrade. So here’s your new playlist for surgery success:

Peggy Huddleston’s Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster

This is the one thing you must do (IMHO). There’s a CD or mp3, and a companion book. Don’t argue with me, Andrew Weil and Christiane Northrup and even Dr. Oz.


I suggest you get a variety. Some guided visualizations, like Surgical Support Series (perfect for during an operation & after), De-Discomfort, and Morning Exercise (for making the most of your time as you transition back to work). You might also want a few non-verbal ones. These come in various musical styles, but all have Hemi-Sync’s secret sauce, a binaural beat (off-sync between the ears) that helps bring you to a light trance, which is another way of saying a very relaxed state. That’s what you want!  Get over any ideas you have about being hypnotized and being made to dance around like chicken. My HMO has guided visualizations like these on their website (but they’re not as good as these).

And… It’s also having the right tools at your bedside for managing discomfort and inflammation, for making sure you can sleep and taking care of your scar.

I discuss the details elsewhere, but for now, just imagine that you could have everything you need within arm’s reach: a variety of discomfort-neutralizing solutions, media that has an appropriate ratio of stimulating/nourishing, snacks and water.

And… It’s knowing that you have a circle of support who will hold you in their thoughts during surgery, and support your practical needs after.

All of this is totally doable. Visualize it. Now let’s make it so.

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